The story of Mauzki


Height 3’1
species; Fennec
Family; unknown
Birthplace woodlands near the 75th Wodenist temple of the Langdepth shire

Important note; The outfit Mauzki is wearing is not in fact a traditional wizard outfit, but the standard issue delivery man outfit, all fennecs in the region tasked with delivery wear a similar outfit.


In the land Mauzki in habits, fennecs are separated into 2 major population spots. The mainland, a diverse region of multiple races in which fennecs are much more servile and more seen as a pest to the other races that have been reworked into delivery work to those on the island in which fennecs have some form of sovereignty. Mainland fennecs cannot migrate and vice versa. This law is not upheld by the island fennecs, but rather the kingdoms on the mainland that maintain property rights on said fennecs. The island was granted to the fennecs due to a revolt that occurred due to the execution of a prominent monk, the resulting battles lead to the treaty being signed that was a compromise to the island's independent demands and the economic interests of the mainland. In the before times, fennecs actually did have a firm grasp on the island and surrounding areas on the mainland but were driven out when other races sought the land, trying to move past famine and floods. Fennecs never did integrate into the wider diversified landscape of the mainland due to their stubborn nature and established culture and language, the language the fennecs speak is more like Anglo-Saxon than English, thus communication was very much strained with trade before their enslavement and even only slight improvements of communication has happened thanks to the efforts of fennec monastics (of the fennecs worship of the spirit Woden, who they see as they Patreon deity, his worship only done by fennecs and thus is seen as a more outlier spirit than the spirits the mainland worship) and small party's of other races wishing to communicate. But even with these advancements, the most communications fennec get on the mainland with other races is commands for their delivery;

The fennecs' role in mainland society is no doubt the delivery man, often seen walking the many roads and boundaries, avoiding raiders, creatures, storms the fennec is seen with backpacks bigger than themselves delivering various goods. The fennec was chosen for this role due to their immunity to an ongoing plague that was transmitted through couriers, fennecs being immune have been the back-horse for delivery services for generations. Before the revolt on the island, the fennecs service to their delivery masters were life long, but small accommodations afforded in the treaty gave the fennec after 600 deliveries the right to settle in a town of their choosing or in rare case’s become a monastic in the few surviving temples on the mainland. This being much rarer, as fennecs don’t make it to near 300 deliveries thanks to the dangers they face on the path.

A scribbled poem, date unknown writer unknown

‘There they walk, backpacks shuffling their ears flopping, the lonely fennec, in which even prayer is unknown does the fennec toll
Their footprints, litter the paths we dare not follow’

Mauzki in all sense of the word is a loner, for his birth parents were nowhere to be found, not even a name or a scrap of grass to his unknown name, his only belonging being the leaf wrap he was left with at the front gates of a Wodenist temple. Mauzki’s foster parents being the monks there, not only taught him the basics of survival from the tending of tea and small edible plants to patching robes but to of the rare privilege of literacy, from reading sacred texts, to scribing to even small mantra’s for all intensive purpose Mauzki had received some of the best education his race can get in Langdepth shire, within this temple that was his home he grew through 8 years of tending the temples' food, its tea and even the rolling of incense, each starting day of the week was set by the temples central fire pit being lit and the temples bell being rung, for many a years Mauzki had dreamed of performing this ritual himself.

The semblance of a normal life for Mauzki did not last long however, with the discovery of travel records it was found that the fennecs that ran the temple were not mainlanders by birth and thus were subject to deportation, one time in a stormy night Mauzki was awoken by the head monk to hide under the floor boards from upcoming soldiers who would go on to arrest the monastics who Mauzki would never see again. Mauzki awoke to the temple in scattered state, old tables turned, books case’s tipped over, finding not a trace of the monks he once called is family, he ran and prayed to the statue in belief that this was a test from his Patreon deity. He quickly assembled incense, and readied the fire pit. Lighting the fire pit and ringing the bell, he loudly clapped his hands and started to pray loudly. As the flames rose, smoke was seen from the temple revealing his location to a patrolling array of soldiers, just as he finished his prayers he was grabbed by the soldiers and soon ended Mauzki's days of education and his day as a delivery fox. Kicking and crying, trying his best to claw at the soldier's armour he was never to see this temple again, Mauzki soon learnt what it was like to be a fennec on this cruel land.

Mauzki for all his life from this point has been a loner, his only companion is the roads he walks a Mauzki thanks to his ability to read is able to appreciate the left overbooks in the abandoned backpacks of would be fennec delivery foxes, holding dearly to said books that were translated into his native tongue. He not only learnt how to read, but to scavenge what he could. Honing his tools of trade, he made good in the warring borders of the southern shires, being able to deliver necessary packages to both sides of conflicts and even at stages salvaging failed delivery packages in war fields. Mauzki's most memorable moment of his old job was when he wasn’t given ample warning and was thrown in the midsts of a charging battle. Beaten badly by a stampede of soldiers, he actually has a scar running from his forehead to his left ear. Amazingly surviving such an event he was given a pardon from delivery services and was able to move into his own land in the woods, where he now maintains a fennec translated bookshop, where he sells books to the delivery men that come past, religious books of Wodenist scripture when he can and even with his ability to scavenge lost packages found a lucrative business scamming tourists that wonder onto his land and occasionally if the words are struck properly will sell travellers spell books and his own concoctions of healing potions. A traumatized and loner fennec, Mauzki tries his best on his land he hopes one day to see his kin rule the land that was once theirs, but until then he lives content selling books as a woodland hermit.

Fennec language;

“Fennec language or fennec tongue, often nicknamed simply ‘fennec’ is closely related to Anglo-saxon, it often a surprising characteristic of the fennec race, their vocal cords and language ensures they emit a deep voice when speaking their language, an often unsuspecting surprise found when other races try and communicate with them”

Native fennec islands;

The native fennec islands are best described as an east Asian like land, swamp land accustomed to vast fields of bamboo, often interrupted with intense mountains, fennecs often enjoy minimalism with their housing often going for simple mats to beds and various customs, ranging from yoga facing the morning sun, and the exhalation of morning fog, often fennecs by acts of tradition run into the morning misty fields with idols in hand attempting to offer said mist to their gods, the land is plenty fertile with rice fields going on for miles, the islands originally were hub for the fennecs' empire spanning across half of the mainland but were soon drive back to their humble island and occupied by slavers, but with heavy resistance the fennecs soon won back their independence albeit with a diaspora left enslaved on the mainland.  Though, if said races ever dared to try and re invade they would be brutalized by fennec armies who saw the island itself as holy and as their eternal home.