Ode to the Divine beings


Lord Rudra even a splinter of you is the soul of everyone your bliss even in wink of the eye is all felt Not even a drop of doubt, You're the drink in the cup, You're the logic in the debate, You're the fire in the sun. You're the air to the bird, Your kingdom is everyone. Maintain the universe. You are the origin and wonderful father to the soul. You're the home, and your Mantra is the path home. Aum namah Shiva

oh goddess Frīg, whose gentle kiss
Be the force that blows the autumn leaf
The force that give the gentle kiss on the devotes head
The force that guide all to faith
The force that guide all to your bliss and virtue
The goddess of many, to me this fool's heart
You are known as Frīg
you are known as, Aradia, Kali, countless names
blessed are they who know your names You are the bliss and purity


My lord Wōden I know not the number of gods above us. I know not of this page and what it shows of me. I know not of your secrets. I know not why you picked me. My Lord Wōden lord of Heaven lord of England lord of Gods lord of wrath and poetry. I know that you to felt pain. 9 long days I know you suffered, I know your pain too. I know you see my pain of mind, I know you are with me. I know you are the air in my lungs My lord Wōden, you never caused my pain, you suffered with me, o lord Wōden, I love you. I am devoted to you

Morning prayer: Oh my lord, Woden awake my body and awake my soul within hail to you Woden

Ang: Hægel  æt þú wóden, min bealdor wóden
Onwacan min eorþfæt, Onwacan min ferhþ insittende.

Night prayer: Hail to you, my goddess Frige Rest my body rest my soul hail to you Frige
Ang: Hægel  æt þú, Frīg, min hlæfdige  Frīg.
Rest min eorþfæt, Rest min ferhþ insittende.

Prayers for all (Perhaps start of the week) Hail to my, city Hail to you, my family hail to you my countrymen Hail to you my gods Hail to you harvest Hail to you Valkyrie
Hægel  æt þú min burg!  Hægel  æt þú min cynn!   Hægel  æt þú min Angelcynn! Hægel  æt þú min godes!
Hægel  æt þú min  rípð! Hægel  æt þú min Valkyrie!

Prayer of life and death

Woden Hail to you, I meditate on you let my skin turn to flesh Let my flesh turn to bone let my bone turn to dust all for you Let my soul come to you Let me attain your abode Let my flesh turn to bone Let my born turn to dust All for you If there be no realm to attain then let me rest in darkness For I love you no matter my fate Hail to you Woden I say even as I remain dust in the void

Ang: Wóden Hægel  æt þú, I sinnan on þú, aliefan min ferjgt gehíwin to bræd, aliefan min bræd gehíwin to dust. Aliefan min  ferhþ þú  agan þú unc  min bealdor wóden, Aliefan min þú fullcuman úre éðel. Aliefan min ferjgt gehíwin to bræd,  aliefan min bræd gehíwin to dust. Eall þú  min bealdor wóden.  Gif úre éðel náht, Aliefan min rest in se aýdlig. For I gástlufu   min bealdor wóde, nænig  andtimber min gewif. Hægel  æt þú wóden, min bealdor wóden furþum fram se  aýdlig

The hell poems

The hot hell

Gloom of black and red ascend, the darkest red of sky with the blackest of bog

A bog of sulphur and burnt flesh, the iron taste of blood fills the air with each breath

A thick air that turns the nose to blood, filling the throat with burning phlegm

Each bit of red sand burns against their naked feet, till nails pop from boiling

They sink into the burning blood, screams fill the endless sky of the hot hell

Burning blood, swimming with eels that delight in sinful flesh, they feed into the scorching flesh

The burning blood dissolves and softens the flesh, easily chewed on by hellish eels

The eels bite into the front flesh, the front flesh that lead to the sinner to this realm

The front that had harmed many, the vulnerable, children and all.

The front flesh is bitten, the boiling blood pools in

The sinner faces their punishment, the sinner has long to pay their debt to the ones they wrong.

So there lays, the gloomy hell of the rapists and the abusers, for eons to suffer

And so their screams fill the hot hell

The cowardly hell

The cowardly sinner runs, as he ran all his life
no more tears from his running
no more vulnerable people to stand on
The cowardly sinner runs on burning rocks, sizzling his flesh with each step
The Cowardly sinner finds no rest
The cowardly sinner reaches the mountain of flesh, he's seeing his fellow sinner within it
Bladed chains fly out and grab the sinners neck, as just as their victim are lead on to further pain
The cowardly sinners legs dissolve into the mountain, not even a shed of skin to protect from the storm of salt
The cowardly sinner screams as each sting from the hellish wasps reveal his sins, a sting for each tear, for each broken heart, the hellish wasp stings as he screams and fills his throat with blood.
The cowardly sinner becomes nothing more than a segment of the flesh mountain
His suffering is long overdue, for no longer can the cowardly sinners run, they suffer what they gave to others
They scream in peril with each tear they caused in the earthly realm a sting from the wasps await in the cowards hell
For now, they may no longer run, and the coward must face what he ran from for all his life.
His screams fill the cowardly hell

The addicted hell

The drunkard sinners eyes change to that the colour of piss;
No more nights of booze
no more nights of a cowering child at home;
The drunkard swam in the sea of sin; but still
dries up on the broken glass shore;
Their screams once the hooligans nightly prayer
Now the music that fills the drunkard hell

Past the drunkard sea, lay islands of sorrow
Lonely and rotting, the yellow eyes tear a desperate groan
for the drunkard sea be that of acidic pissy glow
The island of sorrow be that cold of ice within a pint
The sad drunkard left underneath a sheet of ice
No longer than a grain of rice, but imprisons a most
degenerate being.
No longer can they run from their offspring into the arms
of a whiskey smelling neglect
for now, they face the neglect from the eye of hell itself.